Source code for rhui3_tests.test_zzz_misc

'''Miscellaneous Tests That Do Not Fit Elsewhere'''

from __future__ import print_function

import json
from os.path import basename
import yaml

import nose
from stitches.expect import Expect

from rhui3_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui3_tests_lib.helpers import Helpers
from rhui3_tests_lib.subscription import RHSMRHUI

RHUA = ConMgr.connect()

RHUI_SERVICE_PIDFILES = ["/var/run/httpd/",

[docs]def setup(): ''' announce the beginning of the test run ''' print("*** Running %s: *** " % basename(__file__))
[docs]def test_01_sha1(): ''' check if SHA-1 is not used in internal certificates, and if SHA-256 is used instead ''' # for RHBZ#1411451 Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "grep 'Signature Algorithm: sha1' " + "/etc/pki/katello-certs-tools/certs/*.crt " + "/etc/puppet/rhui-secrets/cds-cert.crt", 1) Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "grep 'Signature Algorithm: sha256' " + "/etc/pki/katello-certs-tools/certs/*.crt " + "/etc/puppet/rhui-secrets/cds-cert.crt")
[docs]def test_02_repo_remove_missing(): ''' check if Pulp repos are globally configured to remove packages missing upstream ''' # for RHBZ#1489113 _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command("cat /etc/pulp/server/plugins.conf.d/yum_importer.json") cfg = json.load(stdout)"remove_missing" in cfg, msg="'remove_missing' is not in the configuration")["remove_missing"], msg="'remove_missing' is not enabled")
[docs]def test_03_restart_services_script(): ''' try the rhui-services-restart script ''' # for RHBZ#1539105 Expect.ping_pong(RHUA, "rhui-services-restart --help", "Usage:") # fetch current service PIDs # use 0 if a PID file doesn't exist (the service isn't running) _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command("for pidfile in %s; do cat $pidfile || echo 0; done" % \ " ".join(RHUI_SERVICE_PIDFILES)) old_pids = list(map(int, # restart Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rhui-services-restart", timeout=30) # fetch new service PIDs _, stdout, _ = RHUA.exec_command("for pidfile in %s; do cat $pidfile || echo 0; done" % \ " ".join(RHUI_SERVICE_PIDFILES)) new_pids = list(map(int, # the new PIDs must differ and mustn't be 0, which would mean the pidfile couldn't be read # (which would mean the service didn't (re)start) for i in range(len(RHUI_SERVICE_PIDFILES)):[i] != old_pids[i], msg="not all the RHUI services restarted")[i] > 0, msg="not all the RHUI services started")
[docs]def test_04_fabric_crypto_req(): ''' check if the fabric package requires python-crypto ''' # for RHBZ#1615907 Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rpm -qR fabric | grep python-crypto")
[docs]def test_05_celery_selinux(): ''' verify that no SELinux denial related to celery was logged ''' # for RHBZ#1608166 - anyway, only non-fatal denials are expected if everything else works Expect.ping_pong(RHUA, "grep celery /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow", "Nothing to do")
[docs]def test_06_pulp_server_rpm_v(): ''' verify that /etc/pki/pulp/rsa_pub.key is installed correctly ''' # for RHBZ#1578266 Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "rpm -V pulp-server | grep /etc/pki/pulp/rsa_pub.key", 1)
[docs]def test_07_check_migrate_py(): ''' check if the migration script in the RHUI ISO is up to date ''' # for RHBZ#1278954 # the ISO was set up in /etc/fstab by Ansible, so let's reuse the defined mountpoint/directory # (unless RHSM was used instead, in which case the ISO isn't available and this test will be # skipped) mdir = "/tmp/iso" if RHUA.recv_exit_status("test -d %s" % mdir): raise nose.exc.SkipTest("The ISO doesn't exist") # mount it if not mounted already; shouldn't be, but you never know Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "mountpoint %s || mount %s" % (mdir, mdir)) Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "grep DEFAULT_ENTITLEMENT %s/migrate/" % mdir) Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "umount %s" % mdir)
[docs]def test_08_qpid_linearstore(): ''' check if the qpid-cpp-server-linearstore package is available ''' # for RHBZ#1702254 needs_registration = not Helpers.is_iso_installation(RHUA) and not Helpers.is_registered(RHUA) if needs_registration: with open("/etc/rhui3_tests/tested_repos.yaml") as configfile: cfg = yaml.load(configfile) sub = cfg["subscriptions"]["RHUI"] RHSMRHUI.register_system(RHUA) RHSMRHUI.attach_subscription(RHUA, sub) RHSMRHUI.enable_rhui_repo(RHUA, False) Expect.expect_retval(RHUA, "yum list qpid-cpp-server-linearstore", timeout=30) if needs_registration: RHSMRHUI.unregister_system(RHUA)
[docs]def teardown(): ''' announce the end of the test run ''' print("*** Finished running %s. *** " % basename(__file__))