Source code for rhui3_tests.test_sync_management

'''Repo syncing and scheduling tests'''

from __future__ import print_function

from os.path import basename

import logging
import nose
import yaml

from rhui3_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager import RHUIManager
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager_repo import RHUIManagerRepo
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager_sync import RHUIManagerSync
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager_entitlement import RHUIManagerEntitlements
from rhui3_tests_lib.util import Util


RHUA = ConMgr.connect()

[docs]class TestSync(object): ''' class for repository synchronization tests ''' def __init__(self): # Test the RHEL-7 ARM-64 repo for a change version = 7 arch = "aarch64" with open("/etc/rhui3_tests/tested_repos.yaml") as configfile: doc = yaml.load(configfile) try: self.yum_repo_name = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["name"] self.yum_repo_version = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["version"] self.yum_repo_kind = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["kind"] except KeyError as version: raise nose.SkipTest("No test repo defined for RHEL %s on %s" % (version, arch))
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_class(): ''' announce the beginning of the test run ''' print("*** Running %s: *** " % basename(__file__))
[docs] def test_01_setup(self): '''log in to rhui-manager, upload RH cert, add a repo to sync ''' RHUIManager.initial_run(RHUA) entlist = RHUIManagerEntitlements.upload_rh_certificate(RHUA), 0) RHUIManagerRepo.add_rh_repo_by_repo(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version, self.yum_repo_kind)])
[docs] def test_02_sync_repo(self): '''sync a RH repo ''' RHUIManagerSync.sync_repo(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version)])
[docs] def test_03_check_sync_started(self): '''ensure that the sync started''' RHUIManagerSync.check_sync_started(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version)])
[docs] def test_04_wait_till_repo_synced(self): '''wait until the repo is synced''' RHUIManagerSync.wait_till_repo_synced(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version)])
[docs] def test_99_cleanup(self): '''remove the RH repo and cert''' RHUIManagerRepo.delete_repo(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version)]) RHUIManager.remove_rh_certs(RHUA)
[docs] @staticmethod def teardown_class(): ''' announce the end of the test run ''' print("*** Finished running %s. *** " % basename(__file__))