Source code for rhui3_tests.test_sosreport

""" Test case for sosreport usage in RHUI """

from __future__ import print_function

# for RHBZ#1591027 and RHBZ#1578678

import logging
from os.path import basename, join
from shutil import rmtree
from tempfile import mkdtemp

from stitches.expect import Expect

from rhui3_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui3_tests_lib.helpers import Helpers
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager import RHUIManager
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager_instance import RHUIManagerInstance
from rhui3_tests_lib.sos import Sos


TMPDIR = mkdtemp()
SOSREPORT_LOCATION_RHUA = join(TMPDIR, "sosreport_location_rhua")
SOSREPORT_LOCATION_CDS = join(TMPDIR, "sosreport_location_cds")

CONNECTION_RHUA = RHUA = ConMgr.connect()
CONNECTION_CDS = ConMgr.connect(ConMgr.get_cds_hostnames()[0])

CDS_LB = ConMgr.get_cds_lb_hostname()
WANTED_FILES_RHUA = ["/etc/rhui-installer/answers.yaml",
WANTED_FILES_CDS = ["/etc/httpd/conf.d/03-crane.conf",
                    "/etc/httpd/conf.d/25-%s.conf" % CDS_LB,
                    "/var/log/httpd/%s_access_ssl.log" % CDS_LB,
                    "/var/log/httpd/%s_error_ssl.log" % CDS_LB]

CMD_RHUA = "rhui-manager status"
CMD_CDS = "ls -lR /var/lib/rhui/remote_share"

[docs]def setup(): ''' announce the beginning of the test run ''' print("*** Running %s: *** " % basename(__file__))
[docs]def test_00_rhui_init(): ''' add a CDS and run rhui-subscription-sync to ensure their log files exist ''' # use initial_run first to ensure we're logged in to rhui-manager RHUIManager.initial_run(CONNECTION_RHUA) RHUIManagerInstance.add_instance(CONNECTION_RHUA, "cds") # can't use expect_retval as the exit code can be 0 or 1 (sync is configured or unconfigured) Expect.ping_pong(CONNECTION_RHUA, "rhui-subscription-sync ; echo ACK", "ACK")
[docs]def test_01_rhua_check_sos_script(): ''' check if the RHUI sosreport script is available on the RHUA node ''' Sos.check_rhui_sos_script(CONNECTION_RHUA)
[docs]def test_02_rhua_sosreport_run(): ''' run sosreport on the RHUA node ''' sosreport_location = with open(SOSREPORT_LOCATION_RHUA, "w") as location: location.write(sosreport_location)
[docs]def test_03_rhua_sosreport_check(): ''' check if the sosreport archive from the RHUA node contains the desired files ''' with open(SOSREPORT_LOCATION_RHUA) as location: sosreport_location = Sos.check_files_in_archive(CONNECTION_RHUA, WANTED_FILES_RHUA, sosreport_location)
[docs]def test_04_cds_check_sos_script(): ''' check if the RHUI sosreport script is available on the CDS node ''' # for RHBZ#1596296 Sos.check_rhui_sos_script(CONNECTION_CDS)
[docs]def test_05_cds_sosreport_run(): ''' run sosreport on the CDS node ''' sosreport_location = with open(SOSREPORT_LOCATION_CDS, "w") as location: location.write(sosreport_location)
[docs]def test_06_cds_sosreport_check(): ''' check if the sosreport archive from the CDS node contains the desired files ''' with open(SOSREPORT_LOCATION_CDS) as location: sosreport_location = Sos.check_files_in_archive(CONNECTION_CDS, WANTED_FILES_CDS, sosreport_location)
[docs]def test_99_cleanup(): ''' delete the archives and their checksum files, local caches; remove CDS ''' with open(SOSREPORT_LOCATION_RHUA) as location: sosreport_file = Expect.ping_pong(CONNECTION_RHUA, "rm -f " + sosreport_file + "* ; " + "ls " + sosreport_file + "* 2>&1", "No such file or directory") with open(SOSREPORT_LOCATION_CDS) as location: sosreport_file = Expect.ping_pong(CONNECTION_CDS, "rm -f " + sosreport_file + "* ; " + "ls " + sosreport_file + "* 2>&1", "No such file or directory") rmtree(TMPDIR) RHUIManagerInstance.delete_all(CONNECTION_RHUA, "cds")
[docs]def teardown(): ''' announce the end of the test run ''' print("*** Finished running %s. *** " % basename(__file__))