Source code for rhui3_tests.test_repo_management

''' Repository management tests '''

from __future__ import print_function

# To check if all entitled repositories can be added and deleted, which takes a huge amount
# of time and can break, run:
# in your shell before running this script.

from os import getenv
from os.path import basename

import logging
import nose
from stitches.expect import Expect
import yaml

from rhui3_tests_lib.conmgr import ConMgr
from rhui3_tests_lib.helpers import Helpers
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager import RHUIManager
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager_entitlement import RHUIManagerEntitlements
from rhui3_tests_lib.rhuimanager_repo import AlreadyExistsError, RHUIManagerRepo
from rhui3_tests_lib.util import Util


RHUA = ConMgr.connect()
# side channel for hacking
RHUA_2 = ConMgr.connect()

CUSTOM_REPOS = ["custom-i386-x86_64", "custom-x86_64-x86_64", "custom-i386-i386"]
CUSTOM_PATHS = [repo.replace("-", "/") for repo in CUSTOM_REPOS]
CUSTOM_RPMS_DIR = "/tmp/extra_rhui_files"

[docs]class TestRepo(object): ''' class for repository manipulation tests ''' def __init__(self): self.custom_rpms = Util.get_rpms_in_dir(RHUA, CUSTOM_RPMS_DIR) if not self.custom_rpms: raise RuntimeError("No custom RPMs to test in %s" % CUSTOM_RPMS_DIR) # Test the RHEL-6 repo for a change version = 6 arch = "x86_64" with open("/etc/rhui3_tests/tested_repos.yaml") as configfile: doc = yaml.load(configfile) self.yum_repo_name = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["name"] self.yum_repo_version = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["version"] self.yum_repo_kind = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["kind"] self.yum_repo_path = doc["yum_repos"][version][arch]["path"] self.containers = {"rh": doc["container_primary"], "alt": doc["container_alt"]} self.remote_content = doc["remote_content"]
[docs] @staticmethod def setup_class(): ''' announce the beginning of the test run ''' print("*** Running %s: *** " % basename(__file__))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_01_repo_setup(): '''log in to RHUI, upload cert, check if no repo exists''' RHUIManager.initial_run(RHUA) entlist = RHUIManagerEntitlements.upload_rh_certificate(RHUA) RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_02_create_3_custom_repos(): '''create 3 custom repos (protected, unprotected, no RH GPG check) ''' RHUIManagerRepo.add_custom_repo(RHUA, CUSTOM_REPOS[0], "", CUSTOM_PATHS[0], "1", "y") RHUIManagerRepo.add_custom_repo(RHUA, CUSTOM_REPOS[1], "", CUSTOM_PATHS[1], "1", "n") RHUIManagerRepo.add_custom_repo(RHUA, CUSTOM_REPOS[2], "", CUSTOM_PATHS[2], "1", "y", "", "n")
[docs] @staticmethod def test_03_check_custom_repo_list(): '''check if the repolist contains the 3 custom repos''', sorted(CUSTOM_REPOS))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_04_repo_id_uniqueness(): '''verify that rhui-manager refuses to create a custom repo whose name already exists''', RHUIManagerRepo.add_custom_repo, RHUA, CUSTOM_REPOS[0])
[docs] def test_05_upload_local_rpms(self): '''upload rpms from a local directory to a custom repo''' RHUIManagerRepo.upload_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[0]], "%s/%s" % (CUSTOM_RPMS_DIR, self.custom_rpms[0])) RHUIManagerRepo.upload_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[0]], CUSTOM_RPMS_DIR)
[docs] def test_06_upload_remote_rpms(self): '''upload rpms from remote servers to custom repos''' # try single RPMs first RHUIManagerRepo.upload_remote_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[1]], self.remote_content["rpm"]) RHUIManagerRepo.upload_remote_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[1]], self.remote_content["ftp"]) # and now an HTML page with links to RPMs RHUIManagerRepo.upload_remote_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[2]], self.remote_content["html_with_links"]) # and finally also some bad stuff # issues are handled in the TUI libraries -- no packages will be found and uploaded rhua = ConMgr.get_rhua_hostname() RHUIManagerRepo.upload_remote_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[2]], "https://%s/" % rhua) RHUIManagerRepo.upload_remote_content(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[2]], "http://%s/" % rhua)
[docs] def test_07_check_for_package(self): '''check package lists''' test_rpm_name = self.custom_rpms[0].rsplit('-', 2)[0], CUSTOM_REPOS[0], ""), self.custom_rpms), CUSTOM_REPOS[0], test_rpm_name), [self.custom_rpms[0]]), CUSTOM_REPOS[0], "test"), []), CUSTOM_REPOS[1], ""), sorted([basename(self.remote_content[p]) for p in ["rpm", "ftp"]])), CUSTOM_REPOS[2], ""), sorted(Util.get_rpm_links(self.remote_content["html_with_links"])))
[docs] def test_08_display_custom_repos(self): '''check detailed information on the custom repos''' RHUIManagerRepo.check_detailed_information(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[0], CUSTOM_PATHS[0]], [True, True], [True, None, True], len(self.custom_rpms)) RHUIManagerRepo.check_detailed_information(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[1], CUSTOM_PATHS[1]], [True, False], [True, None, True], 2) rpm_link_count = len(Util.get_rpm_links(self.remote_content["html_with_links"])) RHUIManagerRepo.check_detailed_information(RHUA, [CUSTOM_REPOS[2], CUSTOM_PATHS[2]], [True, True], [False], rpm_link_count)
[docs] def test_09_add_rh_repo_by_repo(self): '''add a Red Hat repo by its name''' RHUIManagerRepo.add_rh_repo_by_repo(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version, self.yum_repo_kind)]) repo_list = RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA), self.yum_repo_version) in repo_list, msg="The repo wasn't added. Actual repolist: %s" % repo_list)
[docs] def test_10_display_rh_repo(self): '''check detailed information on the Red Hat repo''' RHUIManagerRepo.check_detailed_information(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version), self.yum_repo_path], [False], [True, None, True], 0)
[docs] def test_11_delete_one_repo(self): '''remove the Red Hat repo''' RHUIManagerRepo.delete_repo(RHUA, [Util.format_repo(self.yum_repo_name, self.yum_repo_version)]) repo_list = RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA), self.yum_repo_version) not in repo_list, msg="The repo wasn't removed. Actual repolist: %s" % repo_list)
[docs] def test_12_add_rh_repo_by_product(self): '''add a Red Hat repo by the product that contains it, remove it''' RHUIManagerRepo.add_rh_repo_by_product(RHUA, [self.yum_repo_name]) repo_list = RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA), self.yum_repo_version) in repo_list, msg="The repo wasn't added. Actual repolist: %s" % repo_list) RHUIManagerRepo.delete_all_repos(RHUA) RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_13_add_all_rh_repos(): '''add all Red Hat repos, remove them (takes a lot of time!)''' if not getenv("RHUITESTALLREPOS"): raise nose.exc.SkipTest("Not explicitly requested.") RHUIManagerRepo.add_rh_repo_all(RHUA) # it's not feasible to get the repo list if so many repos are present; skip the check > 100) RHUIManagerRepo.delete_all_repos(RHUA) RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA))
[docs] def test_14_add_containers(self): '''add containers''' # use saved credentials; save them in the RHUI configuration first # first a RH container Helpers.set_registry_credentials(RHUA) RHUIManagerRepo.add_container(RHUA, self.containers["rh"]["name"], "", self.containers["rh"]["displayname"]) # then a Quay container Helpers.set_registry_credentials(RHUA, "quay", backup=False) RHUIManagerRepo.add_container(RHUA, self.containers["alt"]["quay"]["name"]) # and finaly a Docker container; we'll need the Docker Hub URL as there's no # auth config for it url = Helpers.get_registry_url("docker") Helpers.set_registry_credentials(RHUA, "docker", [url], backup=False) RHUIManagerRepo.add_container(RHUA, self.containers["alt"]["docker"]["name"]) # check all of that repo_list = RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA) == 3, msg="The containers weren't added. Actual repolist: %s" % repo_list)
[docs] def test_15_display_container(self): '''check detailed information on the RH container''' repo_name = Util.safe_pulp_repo_name(self.containers["rh"]["name"]) RHUIManagerRepo.check_detailed_information(RHUA, [self.containers["rh"]["displayname"], "https://%s/pulp/docker/%s/" % \ (ConMgr.get_cds_lb_hostname(), repo_name)], [False], [True, None, True], 0)
[docs] @staticmethod def test_16_delete_containers(): '''delete the containers''' Helpers.restore_rhui_tools_conf(RHUA) RHUIManagerRepo.delete_all_repos(RHUA) RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA))
[docs] @staticmethod def test_17_missing_cert_handling(): '''check if rhui-manager can handle the loss of the RH cert''' # for RHBZ#1325390 RHUIManagerEntitlements.upload_rh_certificate(RHUA) # launch rhui-manager in one connection, delete the cert in the other RHUIManager.screen(RHUA, "repo") RHUIManager.remove_rh_certs(RHUA_2) Expect.enter(RHUA, "a") # a bit strange response to see in this context, but eh, no == all if you're a geek Expect.expect(RHUA, "All entitled products are currently deployed in the RHUI") Expect.enter(RHUA, "q") # an error message should be logged, though Expect.ping_pong(RHUA, "tail /root/.rhui/rhui.log", "The entitlement.*has no associated certificate")
[docs] @staticmethod def test_18_repo_select_0(): '''check if no repo is chosen if 0 is entered when adding a repo''' # for RHBZ#1305612 # upload the small cert and try entering 0 when the list of repos is displayed RHUIManagerEntitlements.upload_rh_certificate(RHUA, "/tmp/extra_rhui_files/rhcert_atomic.pem") RHUIManager.screen(RHUA, "repo") Expect.enter(RHUA, "a") Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value", 180) Expect.enter(RHUA, "3") Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value") Expect.enter(RHUA, "0") Expect.expect(RHUA, "Enter value") Expect.enter(RHUA, "c") Expect.expect(RHUA, "Proceed") Expect.enter(RHUA, "y") Expect.expect(RHUA, "Content") Expect.enter(RHUA, "q") # the RHUI repo list ought to be empty now; if not, delete the repo and fail repo_list = RHUIManagerRepo.list(RHUA) RHUIManager.remove_rh_certs(RHUA) if repo_list: RHUIManagerRepo.delete_all_repos(RHUA) raise AssertionError("The repo list is not empty: %s." % repo_list)
[docs] @staticmethod def teardown_class(): ''' announce the end of the test run ''' print("*** Finished running %s. *** " % basename(__file__))